Will Myobrace Work for My Child?

Here are some great examples of what Myobrace pre-orthodontic treatment has accomplished with a motivated child and a supportive family!


This 11 year old boy had extremely crowded teeth in the upper and lower jaws. After just 18-months of using Myobrace treatment, the patient has avoided the need for extractions and reduced his time with braces. Correcting the poor oral habits that caused his crooked teeth also assisted in improving overall jaw and facial development.

Open Bite with Spacing:

As you can see, this 7 year old girl had severe spacing and an extreme open bite. Her parents had concerns and did not want to wait until she was a teenager for treatment. The ‘After’ shot in this example shows the patient at age 10. This result was achieved before the patient reached an age when traditional orthodontic treatment and extractions is generally suggested.


This 12 year old male patient had a severe crossbite at the start of the treatment. He found it difficult to chew certain foods and was concerned about needing jaw expanders or surgery. Through using Myobrace appliances over the past 3 years, the patient has avoided the need for jaw expanders or surgery. His permanent teeth are moving naturally into the correct bite.

Deep Bite:

This patient had underdeveloped upper and lower jaws with a deep bite. Severe vertical overlap of the upper and lower front teeth is quite common and is often left untreated. At age 13, this patient and his parents had concerns about the severity of his deep bite and decided treatment was necessary. Within 5 months the bite was almost completely corrected with a wider upper jaw and better aligned front teeth. Facial development also improved.


The extreme underbite that this patient had was evident at a very early age. By the time the child was 7 years old, the parents realized that something needed to be done. They were given professional advice that jaw surgery would be her only option when she was older. After doing some research, the parents discovered Myobrace treatment and decided to start early orthodontic treatment. The results after 3 years have not only straightened her teeth, but also assisted in realigning the jaws. In this case, jaw surgery has been avoided with Myobrace treatment.

If you are interested in seeing what Myobrace pre-orthodontic treatment can do for your child, the next step is to book a consultation which includes an evaluation of your child’s dental and jaw development, along with an educational presentation. Find out about booking a free consultation with Dr. Aggarwal and the team at Bronte Family Orthodontics by phoning 905 878 5447.